Monday, September 10, 2007

Fun in Waikiki

OK so we had breakfast at Denny's I tried again to go to Koa pancake house but no dice, so we will go there for Monday morning's breakfast. Christian was so funny this morning as you can see from the picture on the right. He was so cute eating his jr. Grand Slam. He got introduced to the syrup today, (we never really gave it to him, being that he loved the pancakes without em so we never bothered). It was like a whole new world to him. He intently made sure his pancakes were riped into little pieces and dipped them into his syrup. It was great! My mom and Grandma tried a new drink that they loved, so much in fact that they say we might have to go back just to grab one. Lindsey was at work this morning so she couldn't make it to breakfast. She said she had quite a busy day though. We did miss her though.

So after breakfast we decided to head out and do a little sight seeing. I took everyone to a few of my favourite scenic points that Lindsey and I took her brothers to when they were here for the summer, (I really miss the two boys). We were very lucky that the weather was absolutely beautiful! The water was cobalt blue filled with surfers, and windsurfers, with clear blue skies above! Everyone really liked liked it.

We left so that we could get back on schedule so we headed to the zoo so we could met up with our friend Sherri and her daughters for the hula recital. WOW were we in for a parking fiasco or what...the parking lot at the zoo was packed and we arrived 30 min before the girls were scheduled to be on. After making about a DOZEN circles we got a call from Sherri saying that they asked the girls to go on early. We tried to make it but still no parking. We even had a handicap placard, and still could not get a spot! It was such a let down. We called and left a message for Sherri and told her how sorry we were and that we should still try and met up before my mom and grandma leave.

So what were we to do...improvise of course! That's exactly what we did too, and we had a blast doing it. It really does suck that Lindsey had to miss out on this. So we did a allot of walking! Christian chased some birds around which was fun to watch, then we took a walk along the beach. My mom wanted to take Christian to a finger pier where when she was here in May saw lots of fish. There were a few people out there with bread feeding the fish. They all loved Christian and gave him tons of bread, and we let him throw pieces in the water at the fish. There were lots of fish there, we saw a few Picasso trigger fish (Humu Humu Nuka Nuka a' pa' ou). A medium size school of what a local told us were "bone fish". We also saw a large Unicorn Surgeon fish! Christian really enjoyed feeding the fish which was as much fun to watch!

After that we headed on another little walk to a small aquarium that we saw on the walk to my mom's finger pier. We went there with the intentions of just checking the prices, but saw that it was cheap and my grandma said we should go ahead and go. Well it was GREAT! I am not sure who enjoyed it the most, Christian, my mom or ME!! I am sure most of you know that I have become quite the JR Aquarius. I saw so much, and got to watch Christian enjoy it as well! University of Hawaii did a very good job at putting the aquarium together, they provided lots of static displays, and and interactive listing device so you could learn about each station as you move through it. I really like the jelly fish display (right).

Christian really enjoyed the Trevally, Shark and Jack fish station. He enjoyed it so much in fact that he laid down in front of it for about 15 min. I really wish I would have been thinking, because I would have taken the picture then. Instead I had to re-create it the best I could, but I got it the best I could. (left) He was so cute just in awe at how large the fish in the tank were. It was quite amazing actually. We later moved to the outside station, where Christian was able to hold (underwater of course) a hermit crab. Christian didn't quite grasp the concept of what was in his hand was alive, and not a rock from outside. He tried squeezing the life out of the hermit crabs shell! It was hilarious no marine animals were harmed. We headed back home after that, so we could met up with Lindsey.

We got home hung out around the house and filled Lindsey in on our parking party, and about Christian's fish full day. We ate at one of Lindsey, my mom, and my favourite places here in Hawaii...the Dixie grill! My mom saw her favourite waitress Katie. My grandma had never been there, she said that she did like it, maybe we have another person that will come back for the Dixie experience. After diner we made a couple of stops here and there, headed home and ate the rest of Lindsey's awesome Tiramisu cheesecake.

It was a little frustrating since our plans went awry, however we did make it work. It was a really good day and the change to schedule kinda made it exciting!

stay tuned

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